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Name of Webisode:
Part 40 - Most Likely To... Part 1
Release Date: 29/06/17
Written by:
Directed by:
Summary/Images by: Sayaka
Tyler and Piper are sitting in the garden of No.22.
In- line caption: PIPE UP
PIPER: Hey...
TYLER:(interrupting) Hi, guys!
PIPER:(being tickled by Tyler) Hey, guys, this is Piper...
TYLER: And Tyler.
PIPER: Stop! This is why I don't do videos with you...
TYLER: OK, come on, be serious...
PIPER: Hi...
She laughs and growls at Tyler!
PIPER: Hi, guys, it's Piper, and this is my boyfriend, Tyler. He is back by popular demand! Today we are goign to be doing the 'Most Likely To' challenge.
Tyler looks thoughtful.
PIPER: There are a bunch of questions I will read out...
TYLER: Yep...
PIPER: That start with, 'Who's most likely to...'
Tyler is laughing.
PIPER: ...and then whoever it is out of you and me...
TYLER: Yep...
PIPER: That's what we hold up!
She shows him some cards with "PIPER" and "TYLER" written on them.
PIPER: So, an example. Who's most likely to...have a midnight snack? And then I'll be like...
She holds up a PIPER card. Tyler is already holding up his PIPER card.
PIPER: And then we look at the answers, and we'll be like...
TYLER: Oh! We have the same...
PIPER: You get it?
TYLER: I got it.
PIPER: So let's get started. 'Who is most likely to have the most brothers and sisters?'
She looks at Tyler.
They both hold up PIPER cards.
PIPER: Yeah, that's...
TYLER: Yeah. Cos Brad is a...
PIPER: He...likes to share the love around!
TYLER: Yes, he loves...that...
PIPER: We don't need to say any more about that!
TYLER: Anyway...moving on...
Piper giggles.
PIPER: Who's most likely to listen to classical music?
TYLER: Does the 80s count?
Piper looks at him.
PIPER: Actual classical music. When I was a kid, I had to do the listening programme...so once a week I had to go and listen...
TYLER: How long's this going to go for?
PIPER: Shut up! ...I had to listen to classical music. And do, like, activities. So even today, like, when I hear classical music, I'm like, really, like, focused on study. I've been, like, classically conditioned. So, me.
They both hold up the PIPER card.
PIPER: Who's most likely to be rich?
Tyler holds up the PIPER card and Piper holds up the TYLER card.
PIPER:(looking) Me?! Why me?!
TYLER: Well, you know, I work in a garage, and you're going to go to Uni and be this famous filmmaker...
PIPER: No, exactly, I'm going to *Uni*, Ty, I have tuition fees, do you know how expensive books are? You're going to be opening your own garage, and that's how people make money, by owning their own businesses. You're going to be making it rain in the garage!
TYLER: Yeah, but I only make a certain amount each week...
PIPER: But I'm going to have, like, twenty years of poverty before...who knows...my YouTube channel could not take off...
TYLER: Why else do you think I'm hanging on to you? You're going to be rich!
They both laugh.
PIPER: I'm sugar- momma!
They sing.
PIPER: Who's most likely to be a heart- breaker?
Piper holds up TYLER and Tyler holds up PIPER
PIPER: Me?! Again?! Do you know how many times you broke my heart before we got together?
TYLER: Same!
PIPER: Aw...
PIPER: Fine, each other.
They both silently indicate the other to the camera.
PIPER: Who's most likely to be able to hold their breath for longer.
They both take a breath and hold it.
Piper holds up PIPER and Tyler holds up TYLER.
They continue to hold their breaths. Tyler starts tickling Piper to make her breathe out.
PIPER:(breathing) Stop! That's not fair, you sabotaged it!
TYLER: I win!
PIPER:(reading off her phone) Fitting. Who's most likely to take a game seriously?
TYLER: That's an easy one!
He holds up the TYLER card.
PIPER:(laughing) Are you kidding?! I take them more seriously, you cheated before!
TYLER: I didn't cheat!
PIPER: You did, you tickled me!
TYLER: I just bend the rules and win!
PIPER: Who is most likely to talk to animals?
They both hold up the PIPER card.
PIPER: I'm like Eliza Thornberry of Erinsborough. Yep.
PIPER: I talk to Clem. Clem talks back.
Piper looks at her phone again.
PIPER: Who is most likely to spend money on stupid stuff?
Tyler laughs. He holds up the PIPER card. Piper holds up the TYLER card.
TYLER: Bikes are an investment, yeah?
PIPER: Investing in what?!
TYLER: Investing in chicks.
Piper looks crossly at the camera.
PIPER: You've got your chick, you don't need to invest in any more! You've just hit, like...
She makes some weird movements.
TYLER: I've hit that(!)
PIPER: ...real estate gold!
She looks at Tyler.
PIPER: Why me? I'm thrifty with my money!
TYLER: Yeah, but what about thing, like the shoelaces, the hairties you wear around your neck?
PIPER: Girls...'the shoelaces around my neck'?
TYLER: Yeah, the hairties...
PIPER: You mean my...the hairties?! It's a choker, it's a necklace.
TYLER: I don't know why they call them a choker.
PIPER: They're called chokers. You spend more on "hair- ties" than me.
TYLER: I "steal" them from you .
Piper hits him.
PIPER: That's where they all go!
Tyler laughs.
PIPER: So, I didn't think this was going to be such a long video, but there are lots of questions and we're having fun, so...I think I might do like a two- parter. Because next week I will be posting the Part 2 of this 'Most Likely To' challenge.
Tyler Brennan, Piper Willis  in Neighbours Webisode Part 40 - Most Likely To... Part 1
Tyler Brennan, Piper Willis

Tyler Brennan, Piper Willis  in Neighbours Webisode Part 40 - Most Likely To... Part 1
Tyler Brennan, Piper Willis

Tyler Brennan, Piper Willis  in Neighbours Webisode Part 40 - Most Likely To... Part 1
Tyler Brennan, Piper Willis

Tyler Brennan, Piper Willis  in Neighbours Webisode Part 40 - Most Likely To... Part 1
Tyler Brennan, Piper Willis

Tyler Brennan, Piper Willis  in Neighbours Webisode Part 40 - Most Likely To... Part 1
Tyler Brennan, Piper Willis

Tyler Brennan, Piper Willis  in Neighbours Webisode Part 40 - Most Likely To... Part 1
Tyler Brennan, Piper Willis

Tyler Brennan, Piper Willis  in Neighbours Webisode Part 40 - Most Likely To... Part 1
Tyler Brennan, Piper Willis

Tyler Brennan, Piper Willis  in Neighbours Webisode Part 40 - Most Likely To... Part 1
Tyler Brennan, Piper Willis

Tyler Brennan, Piper Willis  in Neighbours Webisode Part 40 - Most Likely To... Part 1
Tyler Brennan, Piper Willis

Tyler Brennan, Piper Willis  in Neighbours Webisode Part 40 - Most Likely To... Part 1
Tyler Brennan, Piper Willis

Tyler Brennan, Piper Willis  in Neighbours Webisode Part 40 - Most Likely To... Part 1
Tyler Brennan, Piper Willis

Tyler Brennan, Piper Willis  in Neighbours Webisode Part 40 - Most Likely To... Part 1
Tyler Brennan, Piper Willis

Tyler Brennan, Piper Willis  in Neighbours Webisode Part 40 - Most Likely To... Part 1
Tyler Brennan, Piper Willis

Tyler Brennan, Piper Willis  in Neighbours Webisode Part 40 - Most Likely To... Part 1
Tyler Brennan, Piper Willis

  in Neighbours Webisode Part 40 - Most Likely To... Part 1

Tyler Brennan, Piper Willis  in Neighbours Webisode Part 40 - Most Likely To... Part 1
Tyler Brennan, Piper Willis

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